Let’s care for all our care workers

The contribution and commitment of the entire NHS and care sector during this crisis has been truly
 inspirational, and the public support and applause says so much about our values and community, 
both locally and nationally.

However, this crisis is far from over and Salisbury District Hospital and all our local care homes and
local surgeries are working under immense and continuous pressure to provide the safest and best
care they can, and we all applaud them for that.

But more than applause is now needed from government. All parts of our NHS and care sector need increased financial support. Not just to pay for immediate needs such as PPE but to invest in the staffing and resources that are urgently needed. A commitment for full funding from government, not privatisation, not market forces that leads to postcode lotteries of care, but an NHS and a fully supported care sector that embodies the applause from the streets as the spirit of this crisis.

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