Houses for need – not for greed!

Wiltshire Council plans to build 700 new homes in Harnham. Planned house building in Wiltshire exceeds government targets and is way more than is actually required.

We need new social rented homes and affordable properties to buy, particularly for younger people, not high price properties to maximise profits for developers and speculators.

Local Greens are opposing this development, just as we have opposed other unsuitable developments in the past, like that which was planned for Britford Water Meadows. We have put in objections to Wiltshire’s new Local Plan, and will continue to fight inappropriate speculative development, in Harnham and elsewhere in the county.

Appropriate planning policies are essential to combatting climate change and building a better future for us all. All new housing should be built to zero carbon standards, with top class insulation, solar panels and pollution-free heat pumps – cutting bills and cutting pollution.

Developments must be planned to incorporate public transport, walking and cycling routes to cut unnecessary car use, and with community facilities like local shops, community centres, playgrounds and nurseries. Greens will ensure that we build the right things in the right places with the right infrastructure – not a speculators’ paradise.

Peter Meadows (1)
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